Trapped: Understanding Addiction
Trapped: Understanding Addiction
Episode 22: From Prison to PhD - Dr. Noel Vest, Stanford University
Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay, and thank you for coming back.
In this episode, I talk to Dr. Noel Vest about his journey through addiction, incarceration, and, ultimately, recovery. Dr. Vest discusses the early influences on his drug use, his first experiences with drugs and alcohol, and how his addiction landed him in prison. He goes on to describe his path to recovery through education in prison and beyond and explains how finding one’s passion and committing oneself to a cause can lead to a lifetime of fulfillment.
Dr. Noel Vest is an Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at the Stanford School of Medicine and an advocate for social justice issues and public policy concerning prison reentry. His research focuses on the intersection of mental health and substance use disorders. He is also involved in several initiatives, like Unlock Higher Education, that promote opportunities for formerly incarcerated individuals.
Learn more about Dr. Vest at https://profiles.stanford.edu/noel-vest.
Follow @noelvest on social media.
Here is a link to the "Spiritual Experience" Dr. Vest referenced during the interview.
If you enjoy what you hear, please feel free to contribute at www.trappedunderstandingaddiction.com to support harm reduction efforts.
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