Trapped: Understanding Addiction

Episode 13: Substance Use and Addiction in Pregnancy - Dr. Mishka Terplan, Friends Research Institute

Ahana Wokhlu Episode 13

In this episode, Dr. Mishka Terplan gives an in-depth review of the most commonly used substances during pregnancy and their effects on the expectant mother and fetus. He explains how to screen for addiction during prenatal visits and stresses the importance of treating addiction as a disease, with medication if needed, to improve health outcomes for both mother and baby.

Dr. Terplan is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine who works at the Friends Research Institute. He is double board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology and addiction medicine. His primary clinical, research and advocacy interests lie along the intersections of reproductive and behavioral health. Dr. Terplan is nationally recognized as an expert in the care of pregnant and parenting people with substance use disorder. He has participated in expert panels at Center for Disease Control, Office of the National Drug Control Policy, Office of Women’s Health, US Food and Drug Administration, and the National Institutes of Health and has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles.

Learn more about Dr. Terplan at

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